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At MBS, safety is our number one priority. Our motto, Your Family Needs You (YFNY), influences everything we do. Our unwavering project safety performance standards enable us to send everyone home, every day, uninjured.  Many companies have great safety programs. MBS has a great safety culture. We promote and nurture an Injury-Free Environment (IFE), with the goal of achieving zero incidents on every project.

MBS’ culture of safety is based on the following five safety fundamentals:

  • Psychology of safety: Understanding and empowering teams to ensure a safe environment.

  • Preconstruction meetings: Ensuring key personnel know and understand safety expectations and methods.

  • Engagement: Reinforcing that all teams on the jobsite are engaged in auditing and adjusting the safety plan.

  • Pre-task planning: Identifying and planning for obstacles or hazards that may appear over the course of the project’s lifecycle.

  • Root-cause analysis: Discovering the underlying or systemic causes of an incident.

Construction Worker Lifting Wood Board
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